A Robin's Tale
Wednesday 21st December 2022 is Winter Solstice and National Robin Day and so we take a closer look at some of the Robin paintings in our Audubon gallery and the stories attached to them.
Posted on: 21 December 2022
130 Years of the Victoria Building
The Victoria Building officially opened on 13th December 1892 and this year we celebrate our 130th anniversary. Although the building has always been a part of the University of Liverpool it has had many different uses over the years and in this blog we will look at the history of a few locations located on the ground, first and second floors. By using 20th century photographs held in Special Collections and Archives and 21st century technology from the Mobile and UI team, these historical areas of our building will come to life.
Posted on: 13 December 2022

Freud and his friend - The Harry Diamond portraits
Lucian Freud was one of the most famous British artists of recent times. To celebrate the centenary of his birth on 8 December 1922 we are taking a close look at his painting Paddington Interior, Harry Diamond in the VG&M collection and the three other portraits of this particular friend.
Posted on: 8 December 2022

The Leaning Tower of Liverpool
Our iconic clock tower is part of the university’s flagship building and helps our visitors to locate us. We can be heard across campus every 15 minutes as our bells chime and mark the passing of time and in this blog we find out more about the clock, tower and bells on the 130th anniversary of the Jubilee Clock Tower’s opening ceremony.
Posted on: 15 November 2022

Big Bird Takes Flight
Big Bird by Sir Frank Bowling RA is one of the largest paintings in our collection and has been loaned to several prestigious London exhibitions. Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at the painting and the logistics involved in its journeys.
Posted on: 17 October 2022

The Slate Above the Tate
You may have noticed that our museum is temporarily closed. In this blog we take a look at the history of the Tate Hall Museum and also the current project to renovate the roof.
Posted on: 3 October 2022

Heritage Open Days - The Wonderful World of Waterhouse
Our popular Heritage Open Day Tours introduce visitors to several buildings that Alfred Waterhouse designed initially for University College Liverpool in the late 1880s, up until 1904 when we became The University of Liverpool. These annual tours take our visitors into buildings that members of the public do not always get to see and this blog will give a brief overview of the Waterhouse buildings on campus.
Posted on: 8 September 2022

The Hidden Story of Anna Ashton
Anna Ashton was from a wealthy Liverpool family of the 1760s but poses here as a shepherdess complete with lamb. There is nothing obvious that links this rather charming portrait to the Transatlantic slave trade, but that is the hidden story.
Posted on: 19 August 2022

ConGRADulations–Graduations at The University of Liverpool
It’s July which can mean only one thing – Graduation! In this blog we take a closer look at some of the Graduation ceremonies over the past 130 years.
Posted on: 18 July 2022