
We understand the importance of good quality school tours and trips in Liverpool. They have to engage, encourage and entertain children so they learn while they’re having fun. Our vision for formal learning is that we aim to engage and support schools in their learning by creating meaningful experiences to inform and inspire, drawing on our collections, buildings and cutting edge research. To help you plan your visit to Liverpool we offer a range of cross-curricular workshops and self-guided resources at the VG&M developed specifically for schools.

Children love the Victoria Gallery & Museum. When they walk through the doors they can’t help but look up and take in the scale of our building. After all, it’s even more impressive when you’re little.

If you want to bring a group, download our Teacher Group Info doc for MG

Download the 'VG&M School Flyer' to find out what we offer for KS1, KS2 & KS3 and above.

The accessible version is available to view on this page.

To book your school trip or to learn more about our cross-curricular workshops and kids activities in Liverpool across all key stages, contact our Learning team on 0151 795 7193 or email

School Resources

Green Futures Teacher Resource Pack

This resource includes activities inspired by the ground-breaking research from the University of Liverpool around climate change and the Victoria Gallery and Museum’s collections and stories. It uses projects from the University’s ‘Climate Futures’ research as inspiration to show students the positive things happening to tackle climate change.

Download the Green Futures Teachers Resource pack

Find out more about Climate: Climate futures | Research | University of Liverpool

This resource was written and produced by Lorna Kernahan ( and designed by William Evers-Swindell and funded by Museums Development North

Secret Art of Survival-

This resource explores a hidden history of the Second World War. The Secret Art of Survival exhibition provided a unique and fascinating glimpse of the battle to survive extreme adversity in wartime and the self-help strategies used by British servicemen, including making art to record their lives and as therapy.

Download the Secret Art of Survival Teacher Resource Pack there is also an Accessible version available.

Find out more about the exhibition.


If you can't get to us in person but you'd like to download some resources please go to the VG&M at Home Activites page. Don't forget to tag your creations and show us what you've done #VGMatHome.