VG&M at Home - Activities for Families Page

We understand that you may not always be able to visit us in person. This section will have a wide range of resources for you to download wherever you are.

Green Futures Family Resource Pack

The activities in this pack encourage families to consider their own impact on the environment, the importance of nature and to think about what they can do to help tackle climate change. The pack is inspired by the University’s ‘Climate Futures’ research.

Download the Green Futures Family Resource pack

Find out more about Climate: Climate futures | Research | University of Liverpool

This resource was written and produced by Lorna Kernahan  (, designed by William Evers-Swindell and funded by Museums Development North


Activity Sheets -

Can't get to us in person? Looking for something to entertain the kids or looking for a mindfulness moment for yourself? Download our colouring and activity sheets below!

Can't print at home? There are lots of different apps you can download that will enable you to colour our templates at home. From your phone/tablet, simply screenshot the PDF templates below and then open them on the app of your choosing. Don't forget to show us what you've created by tagging us on social media and using the hashtag #VGMatHome.

We tried You Doodle & SketchBook to try it out;

 You Doodle App Sketchbook app - using a stamp for creature in a bell jar


PDF Colouring Sheets

Please note that the following colouing sheets are PDFs that can be opened on Adobe Acrobat Reader and printed at home.

Colouring Sheet - Create a framed artwork

Sloth Colouring In - Activity Sheet

Tate Hall Animal Colouring In - Activity Sheet

VG&M Column Colouring Sheet

VG&M Fireplace Colouring Sheet

VG&M Mosaic Colouring Sheet

VG&M Shell Colouring Sheet

Design a Creature in a Bell Jar - Activity Sheet

VG&M Stained Glass Window Colouring Sheet

VG&M Tile Colouring Sheet

VG&M Peacock Colouring Sheet

Key Workers Colouring In

NHS Colouring In



If you can't access the activity trolley in the Tate Hall museum - we will bring some of the activities to you!
We have a few VG&M inspired jigsaws for you to try and there are different difficulty levels for you to try:

Level - Very Easy (4 - 12 pieces)
General Images 

Level - Easy (20 - 30 pieces)

Level - Intermediate (50 - 60 pieces)

VG&M Exterior


We also have some difficult jigsaws for adults on this page.


Secret Art of Survival Family Pack

These activities are inspired by a hidden history of the Second World War, when thousands of allied servicemen became prisoners of the Japanese, known as FEPOW and are linked to our Secret Art of Survival Exhbition.

Download our Family Resource Pack or go to the accessible version here.

Craft along with us on YouTube

We have various fun, seasonal craft videos for you to try on our YouTube Channel. Inspired by our collections and our building, try some crafts at home and share them with us on social media using the hashtag #VGMatHome


Chinese New Year Paper Lanterns

Create a paper lantern to celebrate Chinese New Year

Inspired by our Chinese Ceramics collection, create paper lanterns to celebrate Chinese New Year. You can either hang them directly onto fairy lights or light them up underneath with battery operated tea lights.


Nightmares in a Bell Jar Craft

 Snake & Nightmares in a Bell Jar

Inspired by our 'Nightmares in a Bell Jar' exhibition download the Nightmares in a Bell Jar Craft watch our YouTube video and create your own creature and mini exhibition at home. 


Victorian Valentine's Day Card

Make your own Victorian inspired Valentine's Day cards

Inspired by VG&M artwork on the Art UK website  and Victorian cards from the University of Liverpool's Special Collections & Archives, create your own Victorian inspired Valentine's Day cards.


Valentine's Day Heat Scarab

Inspired by the Garstng Museum Heart Scarab beetles, create your own Ancient Egyptian inspired love token for your Valentine using clay.

Inspired by the Heart Scarab's found in the Garstang Museum, create your own Ancient Egyptian inspired love token to send to your valentine using oven baked clay.


Easter Card Craft

Make a Victorian inspired Easter card by downloading the Victorian Easter Card Craft instructions and images and then watching the YouTube video. Don't forget to show us your creations on social media #VGMatHome.


Spring Daffodil Jewellery Craft

 Daffodil by John Randall Bratby (1928–1992)

'Daffodil' by John Randall Bratby (1928–1992)

Inspired by one of the spring paintings from our collection, watch our YouTube video and make some spring jewellery out of clay that you bake in the oven.
This video is just for ideas, you can make the daffodil shapes without needing the jewellery backings and you can then use the models to decorate a vase or a photo frame for example!


Snake Mobile Craft

Python Skeleton in the Tate Hall Museum

Watch our YouTube video, download our Snake Mobile craft pack and make a spinning serpentine mobile that is inspired by our beautiful python skeleten in the Tate Hall Museum.


Paper Alligator Craft

Inspired by the Alligators on display in the Tate Hall Museum, try this simple Alligator Snapper craft and make a paper puppet. Watch our YouTube video and don’t forget to tag us on social media #VGMatHome.


VG&M Clock Tower Craft

The VG&M Clock Tower

Inspired by the VG&M clock tower, make your very own Redbrick pen pot for your desk at home. Watch our YouTube video and show us your creation #VGMatHome.


Sloth Origami Craft


Sloth outside Tate Hall Museum

Inspired by the Sloth outside our museum, make your very own origiami sloth to hang up at home. Watch our YouTube video and tag us #VGMatHome when you've made your critter.


Clay Fairy House and Trinket box Craft

Twilight Dreams by Arthur Rackham

Inspired by 'Twilight Dreams' by Arthur Rackham, make your own light up fairy house for your home or garden. All you need for this craft is a recycled glass jar and some paints or paint pens. There is also a video for the adults on our other page using clay for the house.


Bird Feeder Craft

The Audubon Gallery

Inspired by our Audubon gallery, make a beautiful bird feeder out of a recycled milk carton to invite the birds into your garden. Watch our YouTube video and don't forget to tag your creation on social media #VGMatHome.


Lava Lamp Craft

Inspired by 'The Eruption of the Soufriere Mountains in the Island of St. Vincent, 30th April 1812' by J.M.W Turner, make your own lava lamp at home using a recycled jar or bottle, oil, water and food colouring. Watch our YouTube video and tag us in your craft VGMatHome.


Stop Motion Animation Craft

Coral samples from the exhibition 'Under the Sea'

Inspired by the 'Under the Sea' exhibition in the Tate Hall museum, make your own stop motion animation using play-doh and toys. Watch our YouTube video for inspiration and then get animating using whatever you have at home! You can download lots of different apps for stop motion animation and Koma Koma is a great free app for kids to use! 


Ancient Egyptian Inspired Bead Necklace Craft

Ancient Egyptian Beaded Necklace from the Garstang Museum

Inspired by the Ancient Egyptian glass beads from the Garstang Museum, make your own beads and necklace using oven-bake clay and string. Watch our YouTube video for inspiration and ideas and then tag your creation using#VGMatHome. You can find out more about Ancient Egyptian bead production for more inspiration on the Garstang Museum Blog.


Under the Sea Cupcakes

Sea Creature Cupcakes

Inspired by our Under the Sea exhibition, learn how to decorate cup cakes with scrumptious sea creatures made out of fondant. Watch our YouTube video and don't forget to tag us in your creations on social media #VGMatHome.


Handprint Art - Sloth example

Sloth Handprint Craft

Celebrate #NationalLeftHanders day with us! Inspired by the Sloth in the Tate Hall museum, create a simple, slow and relaxing sloth artwork. Watch our YouTube video and don't forget to tag us in your creations on social media #VGMatHome.


 Ancient Egyptian Skittle Game Craft

Egyptian Skittles Craft

Inspired by the Garstang Museum Collection and using recycled drink bottles and paint, create a set of Ancient Egyptian inspired skittles to play with at home. Watch our YouTube video and don't forget to tag us in your creations on social media #VGMatHome.


Halloween Crafts

Inspired by our skulls and ghost stories we have an assortment of Halloween crafts for you to try!

Glowing Ghosts

Create glowing ghosts from recycled milk bottles 

Halloween Jars

Create light up Halloween Jars from recycled materials

Creepy Candles

Create Creepy Candles for your home using cardboard tubes and a glue gun


Skull Jewellery

Create Skull jewellery inspired by our skulls in the Tate Hall Museum


Poppy Window Display

Create a Poppy Window for Remembrance Day

Inspired by our war memorials, create a poppy display for your window on Remembrance Day


Victorian Christmas Snowflake

Create Victorian isnpired paper snowflakes

Inspired by our Victorian Building, create Victorian inspired snowflake decorations using paper doiles.


Christmas Wreath

Victorian Inspired Christmas Wreath using paper and old decorations

Inspired by our Victorian Building, create Victorian inspired Christmas Wreaths using old paper or books as centrepieces for your table or to hang up around your home.